
viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

The History: The Police False or Maniquies

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Por: Albert Shamir Galvá de Jesús

The chief of police in a small country town was not enjoying himself. Traffic was out of control. The police department was suffering from a severe shortage of manpower. Two of his officers had injured themselves in a car accident. Another officer had hurt herself when she tried to stop a runaway horse.

The chief and his deputy were sitting by themselves in the office. They were complaining about how much they had to do and how little money they had to do it with.

“I wake up every morning, look at myself in the mirror, ask myself how I am going to get through the day,” said the chief.

“Have you ever thought about hiring more officers?” suggested the deputy.

“You know we’re just fooling ourselves. We don’t have any money for more officers.”
At just that moment, the cleaning lady put her head in the door. “Why don’t you buy a tailor’s dummy?” she asked. The chief and his deputy looked at each other in amazement as they realized what a great idea it was!

They dressed the dummy in full police uniform, placed it behind the wheel of a spare patrol car, and left it by the roadside. All the speeding stopped. Motorists slammed on the brakes as soon as they saw the car with the cop in it.

Some motorists made real fools of themselves and even stopped to ask for directions!

From: SUCCESS Communicating in English Michael Walker ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY  1995

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