
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Disponible.com.do The largest job portal in the world

Hello, God bless you. My name is Alberto Galvá, and I dreamed a few years ago with an interesting site, a Job Portal to which I have named in Disponible.com.do.

And what Disponible.com.  do? As all of the job portals usually do, nothing innovative, companies and individuals people  can post their jobs and people can post their resumes and apply for vacancies.But in this case we have made some improvements to the scheme of bag jobs that definitely make the difference.The business model is simple, per-click advertising, through attracting traffic to the site, which is safe, because unemployed people is what else is there. Besides income generation through direct care users in the case of recruitment through the mediation of our office.But to make such a project successful need advertising, and that mean a lot of money, which is why I'm opening the opportunity for brothers who know the infinite possibilities offered by the internet, to get involved with me in this project medium and long term.If you know of the endless possibilities of making money through the web, and you're not desperate to make a quick buck, this opportunity is for you.
You can contact me:

Alberto Galva
Project Developer
http://www.facebook.com/ # / galvaconcepcion
http://www.facebook.com/ # / alberto.galva.9

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