
martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: G.O.P. Fracture Over Trump Grows Worse

Hard-Liners Furious as Ryan Appears to Abandon Nominee

  • Effectively conceding defeat for his party in the presidential race, Speaker Paul D. Ryan said his most urgent task was ensuring that Democrats wouldn’t control the House and Senate.
  • But Mr. Ryan faced angry blowback from conservative lawmakers supportive of Donald J. Trump.

Hacked Emails Reveal Clinton Campaign Errors

Messages that WikiLeaks released offered a look inside an operation that misread the electoral mood and struggled to define a message.


Trump’s Bluster Erode Democracy, Experts Say

His claim that he’d jail Hillary Clinton was “a threat to the rule of law, a threat to the stability of our institutions,” one political scientist said.


Smarter Living: Tips for Daily Life

Smarter Living features stories about health, food, tech, travel and more. What do you want to see here? smarterliving@nytimes.com

Fleeing Coast Before the Storm, Then Trapped Inland

After Hurricane Matthew deluged the Southeast with rain, the worst damage may have occurred inland, in places typically used as refuges for people evacuating from the coast.

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