
martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: Bold Trump Budget Faces Reality Check: Capitol Hill

You are plunged into anguish and self-pity, you have tried to be bold and enterprising, but you have failed. You have lost respect and esteem in front of your parents, wife, children and friends and death seems a plausible solution .... But it is not so, Alberto Galvá shows us that it is absolutely possible to come out of the deepest abyss by focusing your mind on what Never fail ... An unshakable faith in one who never fails and never lies. Come discover it for yourself and be free of fear and debt!

Bold Trump Budget Faces Reality Check: Capitol Hill

  • President Trump’s budget proposal is simply a starting point, and will look quite different once lawmakers have their say.
  • Here is a look at some of the main issues hanging over the coming budget and spending fight.

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