
domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: OP NEWS Turkish Leader Claims Victory in Vote on His Office’s Power


Turkish Leader Claims Victory in Vote on His Office’s Power

  • President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed victory on Sunday after Turks voted on a referendum to grant sweeping powers to the office of the presidency.
  • The opposition said it would demand a recount, fearing the result may cement a system of one-man rule.

Supply-Side Ideas, but for Liberals

Certain social welfare policies, according to an emerging body of research, may actually encourage more people to work and enable them to do so more productively.

2 Tennessee Cases Bring Coal’s Hidden Hazard to Light

Two lawsuits contend that coal ash, a largely unseen byproduct of electricity production, is leaking from storage ponds and could be threatening the drinking water of more than a million people.

North Korean Show of Strength Fizzles as Missile Launch Fails

The timing of a failed ballistic missile launch was an embarrassment for Kim Jong-un, because it appeared to have been intended to coincide with the approach of a fleet of American warships.

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CreditSam Hodgson for The New York Times

Living by the Girl Scout Law,
Even Without a Home

Troop 6000 is the first in New York City composed solely of homeless girls. A reflection of the state of homelessness in the city, it is also a source of pride for its members.

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