Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta disintegration groups. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta disintegration groups. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Anti-kidnapping strategies, how to escape a rapture, dynamical weakening groups, disintegration groups, disarticulation cells, strength of individuality

Divide and conquer

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By Juan Alberto Galvá

Is it possible to have a group of people in 
captivity in a place where the captors are
 even fewer in number than the captives?
How is it possible to walk a multitude 
of people, thousands of people surrounded 
by an army that leads them to death, without 
this crowd doing anything?
Is there a reason to explain why a person 
or group of people can be taken as a 
sheep to the slaughterhouse doing nothing to prevent it?

Let's examine the causes of this behavior.

Fear is an irrational feeling most of the time. We fear 
the unknown, but death is not unknown, what is unknown
 is the trance of death, the end of it is known, but, the exact
 way it is reached is unknown. The only thing that is known 
about the process is that most of the time is usually painful.

Pain is undesirable, though, unfortunately, it is useful for 
character modeling. However, when pain has apparently such 
a definite end, death is repulsive. So fear is not so much
 death as pain, pain is suffering no one wants to suffer.

But if you are in captivity, that is, in hostage, for example, 
in a bank, office, or any other setting, before you concentrate 
on thinking about pain, suffering, and death, you are more
 productive than looking Keep your head cold and gather
 strength to calculate your chances.

I mean, every place and situation will be different, but there
 must be some time to examine the idiosyncrasies of the
 evildoers, the weak in the bandit group, the distracted, 
and the frightened. It is important to identify possible 
rivalries, who commands and who wants to command 
and shrewdly generate sympathies and also antipathies 
among them.

But it is also necessary to take time, if there is one,
 to know among the captives which are thrown and to
 add them to the purpose of not dying of arms crossed,
 it is better that they give you a very fast shot, that they 
make you pass through all sorts of Vicissitudes and 
humiliations and in the end, as a consolation prize, also
 give yourself a shot.

Therefore we must prevent the enemy from glorifying and
 taking everything, even if we all die, at least we will know
 that in the trip to the hereafter we will be chartered 
and as we reach the destination we can meet again on 
the road and tear apart in the same death To those who 
harassed us in life.
But we should not make the mistake of adding some 
cowardly bastard to the plan because it will make 
you kill faster. You must add to you who is like
 you and for this you need emotional intelligence, 
as you will find out if you have it and if you are 
looking for an ally also own it, if you can
 communicate almost telepathically you found it.

But, how to draw up a plan, if you 
cultivate, and you cannot speak? Let's 
be honest, only those with a value 
greater than your mind can achieve these
 things. To do this you must be either a 
woman with very thick loins or a man 
with large reproductive spheres. The best
 discoveries have not necessarily come from
 a brilliant or analytical mind but from
 a lot of discipline and great insight. A heroic 
escape or revolt will not depend on 
an impossible plan to orchestrate the
 very conditions of the ongoing conflict,
 rather it will depend on a mind that is 
not measuring the consequences too much, 
so, for this kind of action to happen, rather than
 Evaluate the possibility of saving what to 
evaluate is the possibility, the percentage of 
possibilities that are to be fucked and if the 
reasonable conclusion is that the most likely 
is that you and all or most of those who are 
with you go on a trip to On the other hand,
 trying to unbalance things for the sake of 
more productive alternatives will be more than justified.

But you must evaluate well, because if you 
evaluate badly, and there is some kind of rescue 
in progress and the conditions are really given for it, 
it is possible that you cause havoc and put a few 
deaths in your account. But do not be discouraged
 because no one other than yourself will read 
something like this and consider it beyond an 
interesting reading.

The plan should have as its most outstanding 
element the surprise and confusion, create panic, 
disengage the captors, take away the security that 
give them the advantages they have and bring the
 situation to a troubled river where at the 
end of the day only have the opportunity Which 
are ordered to be saved.

I explain. If you take the initiative nothing indicates
 that you will have advantage over those who are inactive, 
first because perhaps as you are the one who generates 
the disturbance, you will be for that, the first focus of 
attention. Second because if you provoke the imbalance 
your position may not be so close to the door, or the 
window, or the wall or whatever situation you are 
involved in, but, in the end, that should not worry you ,
 Since before undertaking this action you had evaluated
 that the chances that they kill you so along with
 all the others was almost a mathematical certainty, 
so, rather than escape in itself, already, at this point, 
you are moved by a feeling heroic.

It is impossible for you to throw yourself and 
get some kind of advantage for others without at 
the same time sooner or later there is some kind 
of honorable mention for you. The thing is that, in 
these circumstances, it is very likely that this
 mention of honor will be posthumous.

But what if after all the possibilities were inclined to a
 certain death, if you can die with honor you will be
 greedy, not only for you, but for those that you 
leave. But do not forget that human beings are
 very ungrateful, and there is no shortage who, 
having been mourned the death of a brother, or 
mother or father and say after the death of this 
and that was yours and your companions Telepathy, 
since, according to the theory of their passivity, 
that by these hours they had distanced themselves
 from the problem, all would have been saved if you 
and those who followed you had not rushed.

Therefore, there is nothing more futile than
 Persian heroism, it is better, at the time, 
to act simply because after evaluating the 
picture, doing whatever is done is judged 
as being right aside from glories or disappointments.

If something is evident is that acting alone,
 "self-sufficient" individualization has been 
creating a terrible problem for governments 
and "intelligence" agencies as these agencies 
and entities are square to face traditional threats,
 but when faced with the impact Of the so-called 
asymmetric war the panorama changes radically.
It is precisely the unpredictable that creates the 
uncontrollable and it is also evident that in order to
 not be dominated in any sphere of life, it is necessary
 to practice a mentality of ideological independence 
and a certain self-sufficiency of resources because
 they are the only way to get out in time anyway
 Of oppression when conditions permit.

The one who leaves with a group of friends, in 
the car of one of them, to a secluded area, is 
at the mercy of their good faith, even if this 
person arrived at a certain moment, for whatever
 cause, no longer want this In that place or environment.
 It will be healthy to have some money in the pockets 
or be accustomed to walking long distances if the 
circumstances demand it to be able to conserve

 and to exercise the independence.

The one who works in a company must avoid 
borrowing in the same and try to have some 
kind of savings to preserve his freedom, the 
official part of a government must have some 
additional means of additional survival for when 
the positions of the government make immoral,
 the military Must create strategic safeguards 
to use them in a timely manner when, for some 
unjust cause, it is intended to guide him to take
 action in unfair or illegal activities, such as obedience, etc.

The only way, then, to be free from any kind
 of oppression is to preserve some reserve
of freedom, but it must be a moral freedom,
 it must be an attitude guided by an intelligent 
mind that wishes to avoid being dragged into
 blackmail, abuse, oppression and Any kind 
of outrage. It should not be a reservation 
based on disloyalty to the opposite, in which 
case we would be talking about betrayal and pettiness.

This individual strategy is the only way to
 balance the world from all orders, from 
the most basic to the most complex. From 
our interpersonal relationships with
 friends and family to the governments themselves.
 It is necessary, in order to stop oppression, 
that everyone is fully aware that no institution 
is fully established or firmly rooted or trusted in
 people who act as zombies who can be guided as
 automata but with thinking people, with dignity 
and individuality that they do not They can be 
guided as livestock. If this thought had once
 been rooted in our psyche we would never 
have been led into two world wars, no perverse
 and deranged individuals like Stalin or 
Hitler could have accomplished the atrocities 
they did, and there would be no such damn
 corruption in all spheres of our world.
Anyone who does not take these safeguards and 
does not adopt this philosophy or mental attitude 
will be to a greater or lesser extent and depending 
on the group to which they belong exposed to 
proceed under the pressure and / or oppression
 of the group and name of that irresistible
 pressure or oppression will say and do bestial things.


Humans are by nature sociable; we do not
 like being alone for long periods, many animals
 also behave this way. What separates light years 
from animals is the ability to come together
 to carry out the most diverse purposes. 
This is not something that can be avoided,
in fact, this behavior makes us human beings. 
But, human beings are also selfish and 
extremely perverse by nature and
 therefore the petty benefit of domination
 beats in every fiber of our being at every 
moment, the only thing that prevents us 
from abusing everything we have close is 
the balance of power. At the same time to 
advance personal, group, community 
and national projects it is imperative 
to be part of others and to make others 
come to be part of us, there is no escape 
from this reality, which in one way or 
another compromises our freedom and 
freedom Of those who adhere to us.

But while we cannot escape this dilemma we can at least "choose" which group to give us part of our freedom and for how long, and this applies to all groups of nature that are, and I say this because I can imagine the Police, military man, band member, husband, wife, son, partner, employee etc. wondering how to apply these postulates to their particular situation.

In the group where you are there must be fear of God, one or more of the leaders must be aware of a superior and rector power because when humans do not have a divine referent of any nature they feel that they are not due to anything and nobody And by the same that the others are in the category of "things" or disposable beasts and since there is no moral parameter can do all sorts of things with and through the subordinates because, after all, at the end of this life there will not be Nothing or anyone to be held accountable,

The principles of the leader (s) of the group must be empathic with their peers, there must be a correspondence between what is required to be done, the way in which one lives and the treatment given to one's fellow beings.

There must be consistency between what is said and what is done

What the group proposes is framed in a plan that has definite objectives and have as final aim the greatest possible good for as many people as possible.

No group should exalt any human group over another, or culture over another, ideology, etc. It is one thing to feel joy to be who one is, to be part of something or someone and another to think that those who are not part of that ideology are despicable or inferior.

Broadly speaking, these V principles are centered on the 5 basic reasons ignored by men that have led them to the most deplorable acts of cruelty to humanity

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