
viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

3. 1 Kings 21:3: And Naboth said to Ahab, The Lord forbid it me, that I should

Sweet  Revenge

3. 1 Kings 21:3: And Naboth said to Ahab, The Lord forbid it me, that I should
give the inheritance of my father’s unto thee.

Carlo  Gamba left his home in southern  Italy in 1913, when he was twenty-three years old. His family never saw him again. In San Francisco, Carlo met and married Lydia, who was also Italian.  They had not children. The two of them worked seven days a week and most nights in their little corner store. They saved and invested every penny they earned.

“Friends of ours ask us, ´why don´t you take vacations? Why don´t you buy a big house?´ We have our shop. We have each other. We are content. That´s our secret,” explained Lydia.

In 1962, Carlo learned that his last remaining relative, his younger brother Sergio, had sold the family home in Italy for $ 1,000. Carlo did not get a penny from the sale. He did not say a word about it. But he did not forget, and he did not forgive.

Before Carlo and Lynda both died in an accident in 1992, they had amassed a fortune of $5 million. Sergio heard the news of this fortune with delight, but the smile on his face did not last long. His share was exactly five dollars.
 Carlo´s will said, “I leave all my money except five dollars to my home town of Verbicaro to build a hospital in memory of me and my wife. The five dollars I leave to that young brother of mine so that he can buy a drink and remember that he should never have sold the family home without my consent.”
Fragment from success communicating in English part 3 1995, Addison Wesley Publishing Company.

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