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domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

FROM THE NATIONAL POST: Donald Trump promises to sue every woman accusing him of sexual assault after election

MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty ImagesRepublican presidential nominee Donald Trump gives the thumbs-up after speaking at a campaign event at the Eisenhower Hotel in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on October 22, 2016.
GETTYSBURG, Pa. — Donald Trump on Saturday pledged postelection lawsuits against every woman who has accused him of sexual assault or other inappropriate behaviour, and he charged Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party with orchestrating the allegations.
“Every one of these liars will be sued once the election is over,” Trump said, adding, “I look so forward to doing that.”
Trump’s threat overshadowed his intended focus during a speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that was billed as a chance for the Republican nominee to lay out his agenda for his first 100 days in office. Trump promised to institute a hiring freeze on federal workers and to label China as a currency manipulator, but he first seized on the chance to once again try to discredit his accusers.
Mark Makela/Getty ImagesRepublican Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump holds an event at the Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center October 22, 2016 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign,” he said.
Ten women have publicly accused Trump of unwanted advances or sexual assault in the weeks since a 2005 recording emerged in which the former reality TV star made sexually aggressive comments about women. Trump has denied all allegations while insisting some of the women weren’t attractive enough for him to want to pursue.
Trump stuck to his belief the election is “rigged against him,” repeated false concerns about widespread voter fraud and insisted Clinton should have been barred from running because of legal questions about her use of a private email system as secretary of state.

Trump Lays Out 100-Day Plan 1:30

He also complained that a “corrupt” media is fabricating stories in order to make him “look as bad and dangerous as possible.”
“They’re trying desperately to suppress my vote and the vote of the American people,” he said.
Amid Trump’s struggles, Clinton has been displaying growing confidence and making direct appeals to voters “who may be reconsidering their support” for Trump following a string of sexual assault allegations and other troubles for the GOP nominee.
MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty ImagesRepublican presidential nominee Donald Trump acknowledges supporters after speaking at a campaign event at the Eisenhower Hotel in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on October 22, 2016.
“I know you may still have questions for me,” Clinton said Friday in Cleveland. “I respect that. I want to answer them. I want to earn your vote.”
Her campaign headquarters in New York was back up and running after an envelope containing a white powdery substance arrived on Friday, triggering an evacuation of the 11th floor. Police said initial tests showed the substance wasn’t harmful, and Clinton spokesman Glen Caplin said four people who received a full medical examination reported no health issues and were released.
Clinton was also getting a campaign boost on Saturday from singer Katy Perry, who planned to push early voting during an event in Las Vegas. The pop icon has been a vocal Clinton backer and was the featured entertainment at the Democratic National Convention.
With the debates now behind them, Trump and Clinton have few natural opportunities to significantly alter the course the race, especially with early voting already underway in 34 states. Yet neither candidate wants to overlook any opportunity to secure a few more votes. Though he acknowledged the possibility he may lose, Trump said Friday he would keep up an aggressive schedule in the final days so that he could end the race with no regrets.
“I will be happy with myself,” Trump said.
More than 4.4 million votes have already been cast. Data compiled by The Associated Press showed that Clinton appeared to be displaying strength in crucial North Carolina and Florida, and may be building an early vote advantage in Arizona and Colorado.
Trump appeared to be holding ground in Ohio, Iowa and Georgia, although those states would not be sufficient for him to win the presidency if he trails Clinton in Florida or North Carolina.
The symbolism of delivering his message in Gettysburg was not lost on Trump’s aides, who said they chose the location because of its historical significance as the site of the battle that is seen as the turning point in the Civil War. It was also meant as a nod to President Abraham Lincoln’s abolition of slavery and his efforts to expand the Republican Party tent.
Trump has often pointed to Lincoln as he’s tried, with little luck, to expand his appeal with African-American voters and other minority groups. To Trump’s dismay, many of those groups have written off his efforts as condescending and cynical, and he trails Clinton by wide margins among minority voters.
Pennsylvania has been a hotbed of campaigning by both candidates in the final days of the race. Trump was spending his second consecutive day in the state, while Clinton had two events of her own in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. The AP analysis of the most competitive states rates Pennsylvania as leaning Democratic in the presidential race.

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: AT&T Agrees to $85 Billion Acquisition of Time Warner


  • In buying the home of HBO and CNN, the telecommunications giant would create a new colossus capable of both producing content and distributing it to millions.
  • The proposed deal is likely to spur yet more consolidation among media companies.

New Era of Internet Attacks Powered by Everyday Devices

Friday’s attack on the web’s infrastructure laid bare new vulnerabilities linked to our reliance on cameras, smart thermostats and other cheap devices that are now becoming linked to the internet.

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lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: Angela Merkel’s Problems in Germany Could Challenge Europe, Too

BERLIN — Even Angela Merkel, the usually unruffled veteran of European crises after almost 11 years as chancellor of Germany, had to admit it last week: “The world finds itself in a critical condition,” she said, and there is no point “in painting anything rosier than it is.”
The outlook for Ms. Merkel is not especially rosy, either.
After years of broad and deep support at home, bolstering her as she grew to become the Continent’s most powerful leader, she is heading toward national elections next year more politically vulnerable than at any time since her early days in office, with implications that extend far beyond Germany’s borders.
When she arrives in Slovakia on Friday for a summit meeting of leaders from 27 European Union nations — all save Britain, which voted in June to leave the bloc — her ability to navigate her troubles at home will hang over the gathering.
Since Britain’s decision, other European governments have done little to respond to the surge in populism and nationalism across the Continent or to reassure their citizens that the European Union can be a force for good in their lives.
With Ms. Merkel’s attention split between strengthening her domestic position and addressing Europe’s woes, the task of developing a united and effective response could become that much harder.
Her continued defense of her decision to admit more than a million migrants to Germany last year has left her increasingly isolated from other leaders coping with anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim sentiment in their electorates, especially after terrorist attacks.
With growth across the eurozone still “tilted to the down side,” as the European Central Bank chief, Mario Draghi, said on Thursday, Ms. Merkel’s new vulnerability may undercut Germany’s ability to impose its austerity-based economic policy on the bloc and fuel calls for more government spending from countries still struggling with high unemployment and slow growth.
Continue reading the main story
And an inward turn by Germany as it debates its response to the migration crisis and holds elections in a year’s time could create a further leadership void in Europe at a critical moment.
Already, President François Hollande of France is all but a lame duck, deeply unpopular and a long shot for re-election next year, and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy remains politically fragile, struggling to push through constitutional changes and to assert himself on the European stage.
And the rift between the more pluralistic nations of Western Europe and governments in Central and Eastern Europe, some of which are increasingly authoritarian, has heightened the challenge of keeping the Continent knit tightly together.
In the middle of all this, as ever, is Ms. Merkel, whose political peril in Germany remains hard to judge — especially, her supporters emphasize, while the country’s economy remains relatively strong.
But she is under increased attack, from within her own center-right bloc and from a resurgent far-right, over her immigration policy. And while German officials remain aghast at Britain’s lack of a plan for disengaging from the European Union, she has not offered a well-articulated vision for how to hold the bloc together.
Hostile commentators and critics in her own bloc could hardly contain their glee at her new vulnerability after the far-right, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party pushed Ms. Merkel’s conservatives intothird place in an election in the impoverished and sparsely populated northeastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Sept. 4.
It was the first time Ms. Merkel’s bloc of Christian Democrats and their Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union, had been overtaken on the right in any such election in modern Germany. That the result came a year to the day after she threw open the country’s borders to admit migrants trapped in Hungary, and that it occurred in her political home state, which shelters very few refugees, accentuated the loss.
“Angela Merkel is wobbling,” said Wolfram Weimer of the news channel N-TV. “Her aura of winner is destroyed, and her image as farseeing, clever strategist of power along with it.”
Talk of the twilight of Ms. Merkel’s time in office may be exaggerated, said Tina Hildebrandt of the influential weekly Die Zeit, “but that so much is open is spectacular enough.”
“Merkel’s loss of reputation is immense,” Ms. Hildebrandt added. “Her situation almost reminds us of the beginning of her career,” when the distinctly un-chic Ms. Merkel, a physicist from the Communist East, was much criticized for her style — and much underestimated in her ability and will to get to the top.
The chancellor showed that grit on Wednesday with a spirited speech to Parliament, defending her policy at home and the controversial pact she negotiated with Turkey to stop Middle Eastern migrants from crossing to Greece and into Europe.
Since that agreement was signed, she said, almost no migrants have drowned in the Aegean Sea, compared with hundreds in the two months before.
“In that situation, you can’t just loon on,” said Ms. Merkel, the daughter of a Lutheran pastor. “You must work with another country and find a way forward.”
Ms. Merkel has taken responsibility for the election loss on Sept. 4 and doubled down on her refusal to emulate neighboring Austria by limiting the number of asylum seekers who can come each year. (Austria, her partner last year in admitting the migrants, may elect a far-right politician as president this year.)
But as politicians scramble ahead of German national elections next fall, that limit on immigration is becoming a litmus test for her conservative Bavarian sister party, and even for the center-left Social Democrats, with whom Ms. Merkel governs nationally in a coalition.
Ms. Merkel has met almost every European leader ahead of the summit meeting in Bratislava, where the 27 nations are expected to agree on stronger security measures and try again to stimulate economic growth and jobs for the young.
Daniela Schwarzer, a senior director of the German Marshall Fund in Berlin, said she saw the chancellor as still very much in charge.
“I would not say that she has lost control, or the capacity to lead Germany,” Ms. Schwarzer said. “But she will have to take into account that there are vocal people in populist parties and critical voices in her own camp.”
The far-right Alternative for Germany party now has seats in nine of the country’s 16 state legislatures and seems likely to win more when the city-state of Berlin votes on Sunday.
The chancellor might turn with relief to the next item on her calendar: a Sept. 19 summit meeting at the United Nations, hosted with President Obama, on the global crisis of up to 60 million migrants, many of them in Africa.
Ms. Merkel wants vastly more aid and action to prevent sub-Saharans from surging through Niger and Mali to Libya and then to Europe.
Mr. Obama may be more sympathetic to her challenges than many of Ms. Merkel’s compatriots.
“Perhaps because she once lived behind a wall herself,” Mr. Obama said on a visit to Germany in April, “Angela understands the aspirations of those who’ve been denied their freedom and who seek a better life.”
He added, “I know the politics around this issue can be difficult in all of our countries.”

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